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Engage, Equip, Empower


The Springfield Area Human Resources Association (SAHRA) offers scholarships to help further the education and professional development of those interested in pursuing or advancing a career in Human Resources.

STudent Achievement Scholarship

Congratulations to our 2024 Scholarship Winner! 

Grace Barnes is a junior at Missouri State University, majoring in Human Resources with a minor in Health Care Management. She graduated from Nevada High School and completed her associates degree at Ozarks Technical Community College. Some of Grace's hobbies include playing pickleball, hiking, and baking. "I have enjoyed my first semester as a SHRM and SAHRA member and look forward to making new connections and expanding my knowledge of Human Resources!"

MOSHRM STudent Scholarship

Application Requirements:

      • Be enrolled in 12 hours of undergraduate credits or 6 hours of graduate credits and maintain enrollment for duration of scholarship award period.
      • Desire to serve in a career of human resource management as demonstrated through completed course work related to human resources such as a major in business administration, psychology, or related field; work experience; goals and objectives.
      • Minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
      • Leadership and character shown through participation in professional and extracurricular activities.
      • Preference given to student members of the SAHRA and/or SHRM affiliation.

How to Apply

Download the below application, follow instructions, and submit completed documentation to  Applications due April 4, 2025

MOSHRM Student Scholarship Application


The SHRM Foundation offers awards and scholarships for students. Click here for more information.

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